Friday, April 18, 2008

恐龍世紀 Dinosaur century

兩隻厚頭龍在打架了, 暴龍也來了, 他們都是我最愛的, 還有恐龍骨頭組合成的化石…
Two Pachycephalosauruses are fighting. And there comes a Tyrannosaurus! There are all my favor. I also like to see the dinosaur's fossil.

四年三班 春季比賽
- 2008/4/18

我的尼莫 My Nemo

自從看過了海底總動員, 就深深地愛上了小丑魚.
Ever since watching "Finding Nemo", I love the clown fish.

四年三班 春季比賽
- 2008/4/18

青蛙池塘 Frog pond

"青蛙王子"每次下課時, 總是跑去生態池找青蛙, 每每找到一隻就好興奮, 找不到只有懊惱的回教室.
The frog prince would always go look for frogs in the pond during break time. If he finds one, he's very excited; otherwise, he would return to classroom depressing.

四年三班 春季比賽
- 2008/4/18